Our client wanted to know if the consumer could differentiate blind between 10 different products on attributes such as smell, texture and colour. And did they have any kind of meaningful preference between them on these attributes.
Given the complexity of managing respondents testing 10 different products at the same time, we created a central location approach where we could control the process and utilise a variety of research approaches and techniques. Respondents undertook the sensory exercises on an individual basis utilising spatial mapping techniques and then a spatial ranking of preference
The qualitative output combined with the quantitative mapping and preference data uncovered how important certain seemingly secondary product features were to the overall product perceptions and brand choice.
Sensory Testing
Touch Smell Sight Sound
The real touchy feely stuff
With Director involvement at every stage we build relationships, inspire people, and make research stimulating for everyone involved. Email Kevin Stanfield : kevin.stanfield@substanceqi.com